Our investing approach blends reactivity to shifting market conditions with fundamental valuation.


Our investments, including corporate capital frameworks and capital market possibilities both long and short, are selected based on their better risk-adjusted return profiles. Our approach to investing blends fundamental value assessment with sensitivity to shifting market conditions. Looking across asset classes, we can search globally for situational or trade-specific possibilities. Advantages include direct sourcing, the ability to make prompt capital allocation decisions, and thorough trade evaluation skills across asset classes and locations.


From its inception, Falcon International has established a strong reputation for risk management supported by internal risk and compliance systems developed over time, careful due diligence and leveraging the synergies between qualitative and quantitative research, and successful investing based on innovation, agility, and dexterity.

Having been active in the Asian capital markets for a long time, we have developed cutting-edge business and investment systems and controls, good working connections with local companies and counterparties, and a complete understanding of the relevant rules and regulations. Our strategy is to invest in programs and circumstances that offer unique and beneficial risk-return features.


Do you need help coming up with investment ideas? All sorts of traders and trading styles are catered to by our brokerage. To get in touch.